尼克·法林是一个天才律师,在匹兹堡他父亲的律师事务所干得十分出色。然而不幸的是,衣食无忧的尼克,因为吸毒而被捕,被判1500小时的社会公益服务,莫尼克·法林是一个天才律师,在匹兹堡他父亲的律师事务所干得十分出色。然而不幸的是,衣食无忧的尼克,因为吸毒而被捕,被判1500小时的社会公益服务,莫名其妙地卷入充斥着企业间勾心斗角,兼并厮杀,以及无聊的的董事会议的残酷世界。迫不得已成为一家儿童法律援助站的儿童辩护律师,从而接触到了一件又一件有关孩子的案子,这也把他带入了另一个完全不同以往的生活之中。 Nick Fallin is a hotshot lawyer working at his father”s ultrasuccessful Pittsburgh law firm. Unfortunately, the high life has gotten the best of Nick. Arrested for drug use, he”s sentenced to do 1,500 hours of community service, somehow to be squeezed into his 24/7 cutthroat world of mergers, acquisitions and board meetings. Reluctantly, he”s now The Guardian - a part-time child advocate at Legal Aid Services, where one case after another is an eye-opening instance of kids caught up in difficult circumstances.★获奖情况:2004年 青年艺术家奖 Best Performance in a TV Series - Guest Starring Young Actress 丹妮尔·帕娜贝克2002年 Family Television Awards Actor 西蒙·贝克2004年 ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards Top TV Series 雅戈布·迪伦详情